I help women like YOU let go of

Anxiety, Stress & Fear

so you can experience true

Unstoppable Confidence

Are you ready to get OFF the Struggle Bus?

Download my FREE Coffee Break Meditation to help you release anxious thought loops and refocus your mind so you can stay productive all day.

Need a good Brain Hack?

Hey there, I’m Christine and I help women use the power of their brains to free themselves from anxiety, stress and fear.

My coaching methods & strategies are backed by hard neuroscience and draw from over 20 years experience as a psychotherapist.

I’m here to help you…

  • Face your pesty inner critic once and for all.
  • Remove the subconscious thought loops that are fueling your inner critic and causing you to live in fear.
  • Rewrite your story, so it aligns with who you really are.
  • Get FIRED UP to take charge of your life!
  • Feel more connected to yourself, your goals, and your healthiest lifestyle.
  • See the challenges in your daily life as opportunities for growth instead of roadblocks to be avoided.

Here’s what we’ll work on together

emotional wellbeing

We’ll create a safe space to do deep inner work. Together, we’ll develop solutions that help relieve anxiety, regulate your emotions and face any fear that could be affecting your confidence & quality of life.

Design your mind

In our sessions, I’ll teach you a step by step process to rewire your mind, short-circuit any mental blocks that are holding you back, and finally get your brain to work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.

Unique challenges

Women and ESPECIALLY moms have a unique set of challenges that makes it easy to succumb to overwhelm and stress. I’ll show you how to control your stress, regulate your emotions and get rid of guilt.

Let me be the bridge

I’m a Psychotherapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a certified NeuroCoach™ – a unique, brain-based, science-backed method of coaching.

Being in the human psychology and behavioral field for over 20 years, I’ve had extensive training in the most cutting-edge interventions for behavioral change & positive self-development.

I specialize in the psychology of behavior and motivation, specifically with working women & moms.

I’ve helped women work through anxiety, overwhelm, fears and limiting beliefs through a combination of psychotherapy, 1:1 coaching, group coaching, evidence based dialectical behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, solution focused therapy, mind management and other coaching modalities.  

During our time together, I will provide you with the accountability you need, while creating a safe space for you to unpack your natural strengths and get curious around your inner beliefs & mindset.

Don’t give your past the power to define your future.

This is the time to release your fear and take control of your life!

Book a call with me using the button below and together we’ll create a NEW set of beliefs that supercharge you instead of sabotage you.

*Please note: I’m offering telehealth and other online services.

I’ve struggled with crippling fear & anxiety myself

Although I’ve been a mental health professional for 20+ years, I spent part of my career struggling with limiting beliefs that kept me playing it safe.

I used to feel the weight of my negative inner voice ruminating in my mind, creating anxiety and overwhelm. It was self-sabotage, through and through.

My biggest breakthrough came when my coach asked me one simple question that made me realize I was not aware of how my thoughts were blocking me from seeing my true strengths and capabilities.

It hit me like a ton of bricks. “How did I miss this?”

I was operating under OLD assumptions. I had deep-rooted beliefs that snuck up on me, which resulted in decisions that kept me in my safety zone.

I avoided change, running away from opportunity.

I let fear take the wheel.

I knew right then that I had to take back my power, once and for all.

I started actively taking notice when my subconscious would whisper lies to me on a daily basis and I took back my power by understanding the brain and changing my thought patterns.

I knew then and there I had to decide to make changes that would lead me to my true potential. I knew I had to stay committed, do the work and trust the process.

It is a liberating process and I am passionate about continuing to help my clients achieve confidence and clarity in their own lives.

I know firsthand how life-changing it is to alleviate stress, build confidence, and hardwire your brain to face any obstacle.

My coach didn’t just give me space to self-reflect – she also taught me how to use my brain to my advantage, seeing it less like a cluttered, overwhelming storm of thoughts, and more like a well-oiled machine.

I help my clients get results through 2 powerful processes:


  • Focuses on mental health and emotional healing.
  • Helps with deep inner work in all areas of your life: your past, your present, and your vision of the future.
  • Helps you process feelings & experiences in a safe, judgment-free environment.
  • Strong focus on managing anxiety, counteracting fear, and learning stress management and grounding techniques to bring you back to baseline.


  • Coaching method rooted in neuroscience.
  • Helps you get to the source of your problems, helping you remove limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.
  • Step-by-step process enables you to rewire your brain to create success in all areas of your life.
  • Primary focus on helping you conquer your personal goals in the present, so you can achieve the vision you most desire for your future.

Leave doubt behind. Step into unshakable confidence instead.

Book a FREE 45-minute Discovery Call so we can dig into YOUR unique needs:

One last personal note . . .

I want you to know that it’s normal to feel shame around asking for help.

But does it mean you’re broken or something’s wrong with you?


You’re human. I know it can be difficult to ask for help. You might carry false assumptions, seeing therapy or coaching as a weakness.

In reality it’s quite the opposite.

I honor your vulnerability to be open to the possibilities of receiving therapy or coaching services. It’s a courageous step towards getting control back into your life.

It’s worth it to break through shame, since this could be the missing piece you’ve been looking for all along!

Having time to process your feelings, explore your thoughts and learn skills & tools that will alleviate your anxiety, stress and overwhelm is a huge gift and investment you can give yourself.

I want to help you feel visible, heard and help you become curious about your challenges and know you don’t have to be alone on this journey.

Therapy and coaching WORK, once you decide that you are worth it.

I’m here to tell you that you’re ABSOLUTELY worth it. Hands down.

The most successful people invest in coaching because they know how important it is to have accountability and support as they work to achieve their highest goals in life.

Now, it’s your turn.

xoxo Christine